Workshop on Monitoring PhD Student Progress
PhD Programme on Information and Communications Technology (Doc_TIC)
University of Vigo
Date: Monday, June 13, 2016
Place: “Salón de Grados” – EE de Telecomunicación
9:00-9:15 |
Opening: Prof. Iñigo Cuíñas Gómez, Head of the Telecommunication Engineering School |
9:15-10:30 |
Poster Session 1 with spotlights Chairperson: Carmen García Mateo |
10:30-11:45 |
Poster Session 2 with spotlights Chairperson: María Soledad Torres Guijarro |
11:45-12:15 |
Coffee break |
12:15-13:15 |
Lecture by Invited Speaker Prof. Bipin Indurkhya, Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków (Poland) Chairperson: Prof. Juan C. Burguillo Rial |
13:15 -14:30 |
Poster Session 3 with spotlights Chairperson: Carlos Mosquera Nartallo |
14:30 – 14:40 |
Closing |
Invited Speaker
Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków (Poland) Chairperson: Prof. Juan C. Burguillo Rial |
Lecture Topic |
Thought experiments, models, and the heuristic power of metaphors in science |
Lecture Abstract |
Our goal here is to address the relationship between reality and scientific models, and the role of thought experiments and metaphors therein. We start with a critical examination of the methodologies of thought experiments, simulations and field experiments with respect to their epistemic status. We argue that thought experiments and simulations amount to within-model reasoning: the knowledge they yield is something that is implied by the assumptions of the model, though it may have a cognitive value to the scientist. Only field experiments, where the scientist directly interacts with the domain of investigation, result in new, added information about the environment. Then we apply the gestalt-projection model to articulate an interactive view of scientific experimentation, and show how it incorporates a model-dependent objectivity or realism. We elaborate on the cognitive role of thought experiments by noting that they allow us to consider a situation in alternate ways, thereby generating new ideas and hypotheses. We argue that, in this regard, thought experiments are closely related to metaphors, which provide a heuristic to increase our epistemic access to reality, and can be a source of creative insights. |
Biography |
Prof. Bipin Indurkhya did his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) in 1985. He spent about twelve years teaching at various universities in the US, most of which was at Boston University. After that he was at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan for over eight years. He moved to IIIT-Hyderabad in India in 2004, where he established a Cognitive Science Lab. Since September 2011, he has been with the Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology, both in Kraków, Poland. |
Student Name | Advisor(s) | Committee 2016 | Poster File Name |
Boric, Miran | Fernández Vila, Ana; Rebeca Díaz Redondo |
3 | P_BoricMiran2016.pdf |
Castro Jul, Fátima | Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo; Ana Fernández Vilas |
3 | P_CastroFatima2016.pdf |
Cordeiro Leonor, Nuno Ricardo | Manuel García Sánchez; Rafael da Silva Caldeirinha |
1 | P_CordeiroNuno2016.pdf |
El Haj Ahmed , Ghofrane | Felipe Gil Castiñeira; Enrique Costa Montenegro |
1 | P_ElHajGhofrane2016.pdf |
España Villegas, Carmelo Branimir | Caeiro Rodríguez, Manuel | 3 | P_EspanaCarmelo2016.pdf |
Expósito Perez, Isabel | García Sánchez, Manuel; Cuíñas Gómez Iñigo |
4 | P_ExpositoIsabel2016.pdf |
Fernández Domingos, Elías | Burguillo Rial, Juan Carlos | 1 | P_FernandezElias2016.pdf |
García Rois, Juan | F. Javier González Castaño; Beatriz Lorenzo Veiga |
3 | P_GarciaJuan2016.pdf |
Meira Ferrao Luis, Ricardo Manuel | Martín Llamas Nistal | 1 | P_MeiraRicardo2016.pdf |
Mhiri , Saber | F. Javier González Castaño | 4 | P_MhiriSaber2016.pdf |
Naghar, Azzeddin | Ana Vázquez Alejos; Otman Agzhout |
3 | P_NagharAzzeddin2016.pdf |
Nocelo López, Rubén | María Verónica Santalla del Río | 4 | P_NoceloRuben2016.pdf |
Tato Arias, Anxo | Mosquera Nartallo, Carlos | 4 | P_TatoAnxo2016.pdf |
Student Name | Advisor(s) | Committee 2016 | Poster File Name |
García Novo, Fernando | García Mateo, Carmen | 3 | P_GarciaFernando2016.pdf |
Lemos Cid, Edgar | Ana Vázquez Alejos; Manuel García Sánchez |
2 | P_LemosEdgar2016.pdf |
Moure Fernández, María del Rocío | Mónica Fernández Barciela | 3 | P_MoureRocio2016.pdf |
Namaziesfanjani, Mina | Pérez González, Fernando | 4 | P_ NamaziesfanjaniMina2016.pdf |
Oya Díez, Simón | Fernando Pérez González | 4 | P_OyaSimon2016.pdf |
Ramos Merino, Mateo | Luis Modesto Álvarez Sabucedo; Juan Manuel Santos Gago |
4 | P_RamosMateo2016.pdf |
Saiáns Vázquez, José Víctor | Martín López Nores; Yolanda Blanco Fernández |
3 | P_SaiansJose2016.pdf |
Sánchez López, Sheila Lucero | Díaz Redondo, Rebeca Pilar; Fernández Vilas, Ana |
4 | P_SanchezSLucero2016.pdf |
Santos Domínguez, David | Torres Guijarro, María Soledad | 2 | P_SantosDavid2016.pdf |
Silva Leal, Fátima Manuela Da | Juan Carlos Burguillo Rial | 4 | P_SilvaFatima2016.pdf |
Soares Pinto, Helder Rodrigo | Llamas Nistal, Martín | 2 | P_SoaresHelder2016.pdf |
Valladares Rodríguez, Sonia María | Luis Anido Rifón; Manuel Fernández Iglesias |
3 | P_ValladaresSonia2016.pdf |
Student Name | Advisor(s) | Committee 2016 | Poster File Name |
Arriba Pérez, Francisco de | Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez; Juan Manuel Santos Gago |
2 | P_ArribaFrancisco2016.pdf |
Castro Lopes Martins Pinto Ferreira, Maria Isabel de | Alba Castro,José Luis | 1 | P_CastroIsabel2016.pdf |
Cerezo Costas, Héctor | Fco. Javier González Castaño | 1 | P_CerezoHector2016.pdf |
Domínguez Martínez, María Jesús | Fernández Iglesias, Manuel J., Alvarez Sabucedo, Luis |
1 | P_DominguezMJesus2016.pdf |
Hmila , Mariem | Manuel Fernández Veiga | 2 | P_HmilaMariem2016.pdf |
Mouriño García, Marcos Antonio | Luis Anido Rifón | 1 | P_MourinoMarcos2016.pdf |
Nuevo Castro, Gregorio | Felipe Gil Castiñeiras | 2 | P_NuevoGregorio2016.pdf |
Parada Loira, Francisco | Alba Castro,José Luis | 1 | P_ParadaFrancisco2016.pdf |
Pedrouzo Ulloa, Alberto | Fernando Pérez González | 2 | P_PedrouzoAlberto2016.pdf |
Pellitero Rivero, Alexandre | Enrique Costa Montenegro | 1 | P_PelliteroAlexandre2016.pdf |
Pérez Cabo, Daniel | Pérez González, Fernando; González Jiménez, Daniel |
2 | P_PerezDaniel2016.pdf |
Student Name | Advisor(s) | Committee 2016 | Poster File Name |
Álvarez López,Tamara | Costas Montenegro, Enrique | 1 | P_AlvarezTamara2016.pdf |
Bravo Quezada, Omar Gustavo | Yolanda Blanco Fernández; Manuel Ramos Cabrer |
1 | P_BravoOmar2016.pdf |
Cabrera Mejía, Javier Bernardo | Fernández Veiga, Manuel | 3 | P_CabreraJavier2016.pdf |
Egas Acosta, Carlos | Enrique Costa Montenegro | 2 | P_EgasCarlos2016.pdf |
Espozo Espinoza, Juan Eloy | Fernández Veiga, Manuel | 1 | P_EspozoJEloy2016.pdf |
Estévez Costas, Andrés | Felipe Gil Castiñeira | 4 | P_EstevezAndres2016.pdf |
Fernandes Caiña, Miguel | Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo; Fernández Vilas, Ana |
2 | P_FernandesMiguel2016.pdf |
García Vélez, Roberto Agustín | Martín López Nores; José Juan Pazos Arias |
4 | P_GarciaRoberto2016.pdf |
González Nespereira, Celia | Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo Fernández Vilas, Ana |
2 | P_GonzalezCelia2016.pdf |
Magariños Iglesias, María Del Carmen | Eduardo Rodríguez Banga | 1 | P_MagarinosCarmen2016.pdf |
Mera Iglesias, Moisés | José Luis Alba Castro | 2 | P_MeraMoises2016.pdf |
Ordóñez Morales, Esteban | Yolanda Blanco Fernández; Martín López Nores |
4 | P_OrdonezEsreban2016.pdf |
Pérez Cabo, David | Manuel Sobreira Seoane; Hans Elias de Bree |
3 | P_PerezDavid2016.pdf |
Rieiro Tomé, Hector | José Luis Alba Castro; Stephen L. Macknik |
3 | P_RieiroHector2016.pdf |
Rodríguez González, Francisco Javier | Cristina López Bravo; Enrique Costa Montenegro |
3 | P_RodriguezFJavier2016.pdf |
Román Portabales, Antón | López Nores, Martín | 2 | P_RomanAnton2016.pdf |
Ronda Lourenço, Justino | Fernández Veiga, Manuel | 2 | P_RondaJustino2016.pdf |
Santana Mancilla, Pedro César | Anido Rifón, Luis | 1 | P_SantanaPedro2016.pdf |
Severiche Maury, Zurisaddai de la Cruz | Fernández Vilas, Ana; Díaz Redondo, Rebeca P. |
4 | P_SevericheZurisaddai2016.pdf |
Vagarinho, Joao | Llamas Nistal, Martín | 4 | P_VagarinhoJoao2016.pdf |
Vásquez Vásquez, Manuel Gualberto | Burguillo Rial, Juan Carlos | 3 | P_VasquezManuel2016.pdf |
Evaluation Procedure Academic year 2015-2016
Approved by the Academic Committee
General Considerations:
- This activity is compulsory for all the students enrolled in the academic year 2015-2016.
- The working language is English.
- A rubric for evaluation is approved by the Academic Committee of the PhD programme (CA-Doc_TIC). This rubric will be used for all students. Nevertheless, evaluation committees will take into consideration the actual dedication of the students: Full- time students, Part-time students, etc. This rubric is in Annex 1.
- This rubric will be completed by the Evaluation Committee, and by the advisor(s) of the thesis. In case of more than one advisor, all advisors must agree on a single rubric.
- The Evaluation Committee will propose a Score to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program. CA-Doc_TIC will be in charge of delivering the final score.
- There will be four Evaluation Committees:
Committee no 1
- Antonio Pena Giménez
- Rebeca Díaz Redondo
- Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Committee no 2
- Edita de Lorenzo Rodríguez
- Carlos Mosquera Nartallo
- Juan Carlos Burguillo Rial
Committe no3
- Pedro S. Rodríguez Hernández
- Inés García-Tuñón Blanca
- Manuel Ramos Cabrer
Committe no4
- Cristina López Bravo
- María Soledad Torres
- Manuel Fernández Veiga
7. Each student will be assigned to one of the evaluation committees. This assignment is made by the CA-Doc_TIC.
Evaluation procedure and calendar:
- All students must prepare a poster. The pdf file of the poster must be uploaded to the faitic server by 14:00 (CET) of Monday, June 6, 2016. Doc_TIC will be in charge of the printing of the poster for those students who will attend the session.
- Those students unable to attend the workshop will contact the Doc_TIC coordinator ( ) by Monday, May 16, 2016 explaining the reason for his/her absence. Upon acceptance, one member of the corresponding evaluation committee will contact the student in order to set up an appointment by Skype. The students will receive the instructions about how the evaluation will be conducted. These students do not have to send the slide.
- The advisors must upload one rubric by Monday, June 6, 2016.
- Students attending the evaluation day must send one slide of the poster presentation (just 1 page in landscape orientation) by 14:00 (CET) of Thursday, June 9, 2016
- The evaluation by the committees will take place during the poster session of the workshop (Monday, June 13, 2016).
- The evaluation committees will deliver the score by June 23, 2016 to the CA-Doc_TIC. Those students who fail will be granted with a two-week period to correct the observed deficiencies. Final scores will be delivered to the CA-Doc_TIC by July 15, 2016.
- There will be 1 Best Poster Award that will be selected based on student voting.
Instructions for the preparation of the material
- Poster orientation should be portrait (vertical).
- Poster size should be A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm).
- The title should be ideally in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, 72 pt. font. Author, Thesis Advisor(s) and affiliation should be in 42 pt. font
- Use colour for highlighting and to make your poster attractive.
- Use pictures, diagrams, figures, etc., rather than only text wherever possible.
- Minimum font size for all text: 24 pt.
- Sections to be included:
- Motivation of the work
- Thesis Objectives
- Research Plan
- Results & Discussions (if available yet)
- Next Year Planning
At the beginning of each Poster session, the students will have the opportunity to show 1 (ONE) slide in landscape orientation MAXIMUM to focus attention on the topic of their poster. Please note that this slide is not meant to cover the whole research, BUT ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE MAJOR GOALS OF THE THESIS WORK.
This slide (in a pdf file) must be uploaded to the faitic server.