4. Training activities

Training activities list:


 Number of hours (duration)

25 hours


 Language: English

 Details and planning

At the end of each academic year, students shall defend the activities carried out during the course and they shall submit the planning for the following academic year.

The defence will take place in the time and manner established by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program. It will be assessed the Research Plan and the document of activities together with the reports that, to that effect, the tutor and the director should issue.

This activity will annual and compulsory.

The compulsory language used will English.

 Learning outcomes

Develop and acquire:

Capacity for the intellectual defence of the work undertaken

Capacity for reasoned discussion of results

Ability to critically analyse results

Oral communication skills

Knowledge to make effective presentations

Capacity for global reflection from different perspectives of knowledge.


 Related skills  The set of basic and generic skills. TS1 PS2

Control procedure

 The assessment will be made according to the rules  established by the Academic Committee of the PhD  Programme. 

Actions and mobility criteria 

 Efforts will be made to count on the presence of national and international experts from other universities and research centres. 





Number of hours (duration)

 625 hours

 Optional  Language: English

Details and planning

The students will carry their research stays in accordance with their director and tutor, their teaching plan and according to the rules established by the Academic Committee.

Optional activity.

 Learning outcomes   Capacity to adapt to new contexts

Capacity to evaluate the development of their research work comparatively

 Related skills  The set of basic and generic skills. TS3, TS4

Control procedure

The student must provide the relevant certification of the research stay, a summary of the work done, signed by the responsible at the remote institution, with express indication to their relation with the Thesis Plan and/or a possible joint publication.

Actions and mobility criteria 

The appropriate means shall be provided to the students for travelling to and from the place of the research stay,  according to the relevant rules established by the Academic Committee.

It will be encouraged the stays abroad and that they have a minimum of three months (25 ECTS), which facilitates the obtainment of the “International Thesis” seal. 



Number of hours (duration)

 50 hours
 Compulsory  Language: English

Details and planning

The idea is that before submitting the doctoral thesis, each student has had written and submitted a paper to a scientific journal. The language will be the working language of the journal, being usually English in the ICTs field.

All students must carry out this activity, preferably in the frist academic term of the third year of the PhD when they are full-time students, and in the first academic term of the tifth year of the PhD when they are part-time students

 Learning outcomes

Develop and acquire:

Capacity to synthesise and intellectually defend the work undertaken.

Skills for reasoned discussion of results

Capacity for critical analysis of results

Written communication skills

 Related skills  The set of basic and generic skills. TS1, TS2, PS2, PS6.

Control procedure

Copy of the paper and documentary evidence of the shipment to the journal.

Actions and mobility criteria 





 Number of hours (duration)

 75 hours

 Compulsory  Languages: English/Spanish

Details and planning

The students shall plan this action in accordance to their director/s and tutor/s, according to their plan of activities and following of the Academic Committee in this regard.

The language used will be the same as the conference language, being frequently English.

For the calculation of the duration of this activity it has been taken into account both the preparation of the talk (50h) as well as the attendance to the conference with an average duration of 3 days (25h).

All students must carry out this activity, preferably in the second academic term of the second year of the PhD when they are full-time students, and in the first academic term of the third year of the PhD when they are part-time students.

 Learning outcomes

Develop and acquire:

Capacity to synthesise and intellectually defend the work undertaken.

Skills for reasoned discussion of results

Capacity for critical analysis of results

Oral and written communication skills

 Related skills  The set of basic and generic skills. TS1, TS2, PS2, PS6.

Control procedure

The student must provide the appropriate certification of attendance and presentation of communication, in the terms set out in the rules of the Academic Committee. 

Actions and mobility criteria 

The appropriate means shall be provided to the students for travelling to and from the place of the conference, under the terms set out in the rules established by the Academic Committee.



Number of hours (duration)

 Up to 25 hours

 Optional  Languages: English/Spanish/Galician

Details and planning

Optional courses with the clear aim of training students in transversal methodologies and tools.


The offer will be published annually and, as far as possible, in collaboration with other PhD Programmes from the University of Vigo.

 (see tentative list at the end of the section)

Control procedure

The assessment will be made according to the provisions of the Teaching Guide of the course.

Actions and mobility criteria 




Number of hours (duration)

 Up to 225 hours
 Optional  Languages: English/Spanish/Galician

Details and planning

Optional activity including the recognition of courses or seminars from other national or international PhD programmes, by the Academic Committee. If the course or seminar is not based in ECTS credits, the Academic Committee will establish the appropriate equivalence.

Maximum of 3 ECTS per course to a maximum of 9 ECTS


Control procedure

Attendance certificate.

They will not be assessed

Actions and mobility criteria 

The appropriate means shall be provided to the students for travelling to and from the place of the course, under the terms set out in the rules established by the Academic Committee.

TRANSVERSAL COURSES' TENTATIVE LIST ( it will be updated each academic year)

In each academic year, students on the DocTIC doctoral programme will have the option of participating in a series of training courses in cross-cutting skills. The courses are offered by the Vice-rectorate for Academic Organisation within the framework of the University of Vigo's PDI Lifelong Learning programme, the International Doctoral School, or the DocTIC PhD programme itself.





Curso de Formación en Análisis Avanzado de la Información (Microsoft Excel)

Este curso permite obtener los conocimientos avanzados para analizar y tratar la información con Excel.

Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado

Curso de Formación en Estadística con “R” para Investigadores

En este curso se utiliza el programa estadístico “R”. Incluye una breve introducción al programa R y las técnicas estadísticas de Minería de Datos más utilizadas, con un enfoque práctico y aplicado.

Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado

Curso de Formación en Inteligencia Artificial con Deep Learning

Este curso es una introducción práctica al Deep Learning, donde, además de las técnicas de preparación de la información, se presentarán los componentes fundamentales de una red neuronal, los procesos de diseño y entrenamiento de la red, así como su evaluación.

Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado

Crafting good communication skills: talks and posters

This course aims to cover the essential topics about effective science communication in meetings and conferences. Students will learn the essentials for making clear catching talks and posters


Seminar on Scientific Writing

Aportación conceptual y práctica para ganar en eficiencia y comunicación en el ámbito de la investigación. Incluirá técnicas de escritura de publicaciones y propuestas


Redacción y Defensa de la Tesis doctoral

La redacción y presentación de trabajos de investigación (tesis doctorales, artículos, trabajos fin de máster, etc.) suele ser una tarea muy laboriosa, en la que se resume todo el tiempo y el esfuerzo invertidos en la investigación, y mostramos la capacidad para llevar a cabo dicho trabajo de manera eficiente.
Este curso está pensado para aprender a realizar de forma eficaz estos documentos y, en aquellos que lo precisen, su posterior presentación ante un tribunal.