Workshop on Monitoring PhD Student Progress

This is a pilot experience organised by the PhD Programme Doc_TIC together with the TSC and IT PhD Programmes, seeking, on one hand, to welcome new-enrolled students of the PhD Programme academic year 2013-2014, and on the other, to enable the students who are conducting their thesis to present in public the work they are carrying out.  

Two types of activities will take place:

  • Two lectures of renowned researchers in the research topics  of interest of Doc_TIC.
  • Presentation of on-going  thesis work by the students from the above mentioned PhD Programmes. 

The participation of the students is voluntary and they will be selected among more than 60 students currently enrolled in the thesis period in the TSC and IT PhD Programmes.  

The working language is English.



9:00 - 9:15

Opening. Welcome to incoming students

9:15 - 10:00

Lecture Prof. Patrizio Campisi

10:00 - 11:00

Oral Session 1: Four PhD students' presentations

11:00 - 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 - 12:00

Lecture Prof. Antonio Capone 

12:00 - 13:00

Oral Session 2: Four PhD students' presentations

13:00 – 13:50

Poster session of PhD students' thesis work

13:50 – 14:00



Place: "Salón de grados" (Conference Room) of the School  and adjoining hallways (poster session)

Date: November 8th 2013

Opening Video 

Invited Speakers: 


Patrizio Campisi


Applied Electronics Dept.

University of "Roma TRE"

Lecture topic:


Lecture Abstract:

Biometric system vs conventional authentication systems: pros and cons. Biometric   enrollment. Identification modality. Verification modality. Biometric system recognition   performance parameters. Architectures of a biometric system (match on server -  store on client, match on device - store on device, match on token - store on token,  match on device - store on token, match on server - store on token)


Patrizio Campisi is Full Professor with the Dept. of Applied Electronics at the Università degli Studi "Roma TRE", Roma, Italy. He is a Marie Curie Fellow (June 2010 - June 2014). He received the "Laurea" degree ("summa cum laude") in Electronic Engineering from the Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Università degli Studi "Roma TRE", Roma, Italy.

In 1997-1998 he was a visiting research associate at the Communication Laboratory of the University of Toronto, Canada and in 2000 he was a Post Doctoral fellow in the same laboratory. From October 1999 to October 2001 he held a Post Doctoral position at the Università degli Studi "Roma TRE". He was the recipient of a NATO­CNR advanced fellowship in 2003. From March to July 2003 he was a visiting researcher at the Beckman Institute, " University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", Illinois (USA). In March 2006, in July 2007, and in May-June 2009 he was a visiting professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de L'Univesité de Nantes, IRCCyN, Nantes, France.

His research interests are in the area of digital signal and image processing with applications to multimedia communications. Specifically, he has been working on secure biometric recognition, digital watermarking for images, video, and stereo images, image deconvolution, image restoration, image analysis, stereo image analysis and enhancement, quality assessment of stereo images, texture coding, texture synthesis, texture classification, video processing, blind equalization of data signals, and secure communications.


Lecture Video 


Question Time Video 



Antonio Capone


Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

Politecnico di Milano

Lecture Topic:

 Why and How to Make the Internet GreenPDF file with presentation

Lecture Abstract: 

"Green policies" that aim at improving environmental performance, by tackling global warming and enhancing resource management, are on top of the list of the world's globlal challenges that must be urgently addressed. Inforamtion and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a key role in this greening process. On the one hand ICT has to improve its own environmental performance by reducing powe consumption and its global CO footprint. In fact, it has been estimated that ICT alone may be responsible for up to 10% of current greenhouse emissions.

The presentation will focus on the callenges in making the Internet, both its wired portions and wireless access, more environmental friendly. The approach will be high level, but some attention will be devoted to the importance of mathematical optimization methodologies for reducing the energy consumption. 


He is a Full Professor at the Information and Communication Technology Department (Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione) of the Technical University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano), where he is the director of the Advanced Network Technologies Laboratory (ANTLab). Dr. Capone is co-founder and CTO of MobiMESH, a spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano. His expertise is on networking and his main research activities include protocol design (MAC and routing) and performance evaluation of wireless access and multi-hop networks, traffic management and quality of service issues in IP networks, and network planning and optimization. On these topics he has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in international journal and conference proceedings.

He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1994 and 1998, respectively. In 2000 he was visiting professor at UCLA, Computer Science department. He currently serves as editor of ACM/IEEE Trans. on Networking, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley), Computer Networks (Elsevier), and Computer Communications (Elsevier). He was guest editor of a few journal special issues and served in the technical program committee of major international conferences (including Mobicom, INFOCOM, SECON, MASS, Globecom, ICC, LCN, Networking, WoWMoM), as Technical Program Chair of Ifip MEDHOCNET 2006, Poster&Demo co-chair of SECON 2009, Workshop chair of INFOCOM 2010, publicity chair of MOBIQUITOUS 2007, general co-chair of WONS 2011, area chair of INFOCOM 2012, TPC co-chair INFOCOM 2013.

He is currently involved in the scientific and technical activities of several national and European research projects, and he leads several industrial projects. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.



Lecture Video 


Question Time Video 


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Oral Session 1:

Student Title
Paula López Otero 

Audio Segmentation and its Applications in Speaker Characterization

Lecture Video

Question Time Video               

Iago Landesa Vázquez

A General Framework for Cost-Sensitive Boosting

Lecture Video 

Question Time Video 

Jesús Arnau Yáñez

Improving the Return Link of Multibeam Satellite Systems

Lecture Video 

Question Time Video

Daniel Romero 

Spectrum sensing for dynamic spectrum access

Lecture Video 

Question Time Video 

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Oral Session 2:

Student Title
David Vázquez Padín

Design and analysis of new methods on passive image forensics

Lecture Video 

Question Time Video 

Sandra Servia Rodríguez 

Intermediary Model of Personal Spheres for a Social Ecosystem in the Cloud

Lecture Video 

Question Time Video 

Ana María Peleteiro Ramallo 

 Dynamic coalition formation to improve cooperation in multi-agent systems (MAS)

Lecture Video 

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Poster Session:

Student Title
David Fernández Hermida  Practical Early Detection of Performance Degradation in Aggregated Traffic Links
Jorge Pereira Simões  Using Gamification to Improve Participation in Social Learning Environments
Mario Manso Vázquez Design of a learning organizer with embedded metacognitive support
Gabriel Domínguez Conde  Side informed algorithms for image authentication and forensics
Agustín Cañas Rodríguez  Recommending Learning Resources Beyond Content
Rubén Nocelo López  Estimation of the Atmospheric Refractivity using a Polarimetric Weather Radar in C-Band
Simón Oya Díez  Anonymous communications: a signal processing perspective

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