Text summarization and natural language generation are two classic areas of natural language processing. Both tasks are very complex to automate because they require semantic and pragmatic knowledge. However, although these two areas have many elements in common, and strictly speaking, a summary is actually a type of generated text, traditionally the research community has tended to differentiate and address them separately, taking little account of the progress made in each of them.
In this talk, I will provide a brief review of both tasks, emphasizing how the integration of both is essential in today's society, given the vast amount of existing information (and its rapid growth rate) and its heterogeneity.
Elena Lloret - is a full-time PhD assistant lecturer at the University of Alicante in Spain. There, she obtained her PhD ocused on Text Summarisation in 2011. Her main field of interest is concerned with Natural Language Processing and more specifically Text Summarisation, and Natural Language Generation. She is the author of over 60 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed conferences and refereed journals. She has served on the program committee on international conferences, such as ACL, EACL, RANLP, or COLING. She is member of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN) and she has participated in a number of national and EU-funded projects, the current and latest ones are: Canonical Representation and transformations of texts applied to the Human Language Technologies (TIN2015-65100-R) and SAM - Dynamic Social & Media Content Syndication for 2nd Screen (grant no. 611312). She has also been collaborating with international groups at the University of Wolverhampton (UK), the University of Sheffield (UK), the University of Edinburgh (UK), and the Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications in France. Since 2009, she has been involved in teaching activities at the University of Alicante. Specifically, for the degrees in Computer Science Engineering and Multimedia Engineering and for the master's programme in Information Technologies and English and Spanish for Specific Purposes, involving 200 teaching hours per year.