In a first part of this presentation the building blocks for a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) hardware design are handled, comprising both a transmitter and a receiver for space-time coded signals. The transmitter implements Alamouti space-time coding, while the receiver uses maximum likelihood estimation to decode the space-time codes. The hardware is designed modularly, in order for the system to be easily extendible for the connection of multiple antennas.
In a second part, the design and realization of textile antennas is commented. Circuits and antennas are integrated on textile substrates, resulting in wearable components and devices. As design criteria the substrate material, the size and the shape of the antenna are taken. Combined with techniques as SIW (substrate integrated waveguides) important parts of electronics are integrated in the antenna design.
In a third and last part, measurements for practical applications of this research are described, such as communication solutions for firefighters in a burning building.
Prof. Jo Verhaevert received the Engineering degree and doctoral degree in Electronic Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, in 1999 and 2005, respectively. He is currently Professor and teaches courses on telecommunication at the department Information Technology of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, where he also performs research. His research interests include indoor wireless applications (such as Wireless Sensor Networks), indoor propagation mechanisms, and smart antenna systems for wireless systems.
He is currently also program director of the electronic engineering curriculum at Ghent University.