Monitoring PhD Student Progress
PhD Programme on Information and Communications Technology (DocTIC)
University of Vigo
Date: June 16, 2023
Place: Salón de actos & atlanTTic corridor – EE de Telecomunicación
Procedure of evaluation
June 16, 2023 (Friday)
9:15-9:30 |
Get your badge Venue: Salón de actos |
9:30-9:45 |
Openning Dr. Rebeca P. Diaz Redondo Head of the Telecommunication Engineering School Dr. Manuel García Sánchez DocTIC coordinator Venue: Salón de actos |
9:45-11:15 |
Poster session 1 with spotlights Chairperson: Dr. Juan Manuel Santos Gago Venue:
10:45-11:15 | Coffee at Salon de Actos |
11:15-12:15 |
Downlink/uplink localization at mmWave bands: learning, modeling or both? Lecture by Dr. Nuria González Prelcic, North Carolina State University (USA) Chairperson: Dr. Carlos Mosquera Nartallo Venue: Salón de actos |
12:15 -13:45 |
Poster session 2 with spotlights Chairperson: Dr. Luis Álvarez Sabucedo Venue:
Invited speaker
Dr. Nuria González Plecic North Carolina State University (USA) |
Lecture topic |
Downlink/uplink localization at mmWave bands: learning, modeling or both? |
Lecture summary | Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication and MIMO technology offer additional benefits beyond high data rate communications. The large arrays at high frequencies provide the angle and delay resolvability that can enable accurate localization of users and objects in the environment as a byproduct of communication. In this talk, I provide an overview of how signal processing and machine learning techniques can be integrated to achieve high accuracy joint localization and channel estimation in mmWave wireless networks. First, to drastically reduce complexity of the channel estimation stage and enable operation with large planar arrays, I introduce the formulation of the mmWave channel estimation problem as a sparse recovery problem. In this setting, the measurement matrix that represents the channel sounding process depends on the different antenna beam patterns generated at the transmitter and receiver through the precoding and combining matrices. Then, I introduce a deep learning approach that predicts the order of the estimated channel paths, so the line-of-sight path and first order reflections can be selected to apply the corresponding geometric transformations and obtain the estimation of the device position. Finally, an additional data driven stage based on a self-attention network that refines the position estimation is also described. |
Short Bio | Nuria González-Prelcic (SM’18) received her Ph.D. with Honors in 2000 from the University of Vigo, Spain. She joined the faculty at NC State as an Associate Professor in 2020. She was previously an Associate Professor at the University of Vigo, Spain, and a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Her main research interests include signal processing and machine learning for wireless communications, with a focus on MIMO processing for mmWave communication and integrated sensing and communication (ISAC). She has published more than 120 papers in this area, including a highly cited tutorial on signal processing for mmWave MIMO published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, which received the 2020 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award, and a paper pioneering the idea of enabling automotive radar with a WiFi waveform that won the 2022 IEEE VTS Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award. She has been an editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2016-2020) and is currently an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications. She is a member of the IEEE SP Soc. TWG on integrated sensing and communication. She has contributed with a number of tutorials and invited talks in the area of ISAC delivered in flagship conferences or workshops. She is the lead editor for the ongoing IEEE Signal Processing Magazine special issue on “Signal Processing for the Integrated Sensing and Communication Revolution”. She has closely worked with industrial partners such as Nokia, Samsung or Toyota in the definition of algorithms for sensing aided communication and high accuracy joint localization and communication at mmWave. |
Session 1
Name | Committee |
Álvarez Pérez, David | 3 |
Busto Castiñeira, Andrea | 1 |
Busto Castiñeira, Laura | 3 |
Carvalhido Lomba, Emanuel António | 4 |
Costas Lago, Natalia | 1 |
González González, Jaime | 1 |
González Soto, Martín | 3 |
Guamo Morocho, Andrea | 4 |
López Valcárcel, Luis Antonio | 4 |
Lugilde López, Adrián | 4 |
Mostafa Hany, Mennat Allah | 1 |
Session 2
Name | Committee |
Martínez Luaña, Xavier | 3 |
Melo Figueiredo Nuno | 4 |
Otero Gonzalez Ivan | 4 |
Riobó Prieto, Miguel | 3 |
Rivas Costa, Miguel | 1 |
Sánchez Rama, Brais | 4 |
Silva Oliveira, Tiago Emanuel | 1 |
Torres Nuno, Nuno | 1 |
Vahidpour , Vahid | 3 |
Vázquez Enríquez, Manuel | 3 |
List of students unable to attend
An on-line session will be arranged with the committee to proceed with the evaluation
Name | Committee |
Almeida Macedo, Horacio José | 4 |
Barba Seara Óscar | 4 |
Bessa Almeida, Hugo Pedro | 3 |
Candal Ventureira David | 3 |
Carmona Parra, José Angel | 1 |
Conde Acereda, David | 4 |
Delgado Von Eitzen, Jaime Christian | 4 |
Espozo Espinoza Juan Eloy | 1 |
Lestayo Martínez Tomás | 3 |
Lomba Malta, Silvestre | 3 |
Morales Fernández, Ainhoa | 1 |
Oliveira Rodrigues, José Augusto | 3 |
Piñeiro Martín, Andrés | 4 |
Platas Casais, José Manuel | 4 |
Quisi Peralta, Diego | 1 |
Rodríguez Ortiz, Miguel Angel | 3 |
Serpa Andrade Luis | 1 |
Vázquez Rodríguez, Álvaro | 1 |
Procedure for the Evaluation of the RESEARCH PLAN or ANNUAL DEFENCE
PhD Program on Information and Communications Technology of the University of Vigo
Academic year 2022-23
Approved by the Academic Committee (CAPD) on February 22, 2023
General Considerations:
- This activity is compulsory for all the students enrolled in the academic year.
- The working language is English.
- A rubric for evaluation is approved by the Academic Committee of the PhD program (CAPD). This rubric will be used for all students. Nevertheless, evaluation committees will take into consideration the actual dedication of the students: Full- time students, Part-time students, etc. This rubric is in Annex 1.
- This rubric will be completed by the Evaluation Committee, and by the advisor(s) of the thesis. In case of more than one advisor, all advisors must agree on a single rubric.
- The Evaluation Committee will propose a Score to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program. CAPD will be in charge of delivering the final score.
- Each student will be assigned to one of the evaluation committees. This assignment is made by the CAPD.
- There will be three Evaluation Committees:
Committee no 1
- María Soledad Torres
- Rebeca Díaz Redondo
- Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Committee no 3
- Eduardo Rodríguez Banga
- Pedro S. Rodríguez Hernández
- Ana Vazquez Alejos
Committee no 4
- Antonio Pena Giménez
- Manuel Fernández Veiga
- Martín López Nores
Evaluation procedure and calendar:
- All students must prepare a poster. The pdf file of the poster must be uploaded to the Moovi server by 14:00 (CET) of June 5, 2023, Monday. Your file should be named as Poster_2023_Name_FamilyNames.pdf. DocTIC will be in charge of the printing of the poster for those students who will attend the session.
- Those students unable to attend the workshop will let the DocTIC coordinator know by answering the corresponding survey in Moovi by June 5, 2023, Monday, explaining the reason for his/her absence. Upon acceptance, one member of the corresponding evaluation committee will contact the student in order to set up an appointment for on-line evaluation. The students will receive the instructions about how the evaluation will be conducted. These students do not have to send the slide.
- The advisors must upload one rubric by June 5, 2023, Monday to the Moovi server. A positive evaluation by the advisor is required to continue the evaluation procedure. The file should be named as Rubric_2023_Name_FamilyNames.pdf.
- Students attending the evaluation day must upload to the Moovi server one slide of the poster presentation (just 1 page in landscape orientation) by 14:00 (CET) of June 12, 2023, Monday.
- The evaluation by the committees will take place during the poster sessions of the workshop (June 16, 2023, Friday).
- The evaluation committees will deliver the score by June 26, 2023, Monday. Those students who fail will be granted with a two-week period to correct the observed deficiencies.
Instructions for the preparation of the material
- Poster orientation should be portrait (vertical).
- Poster size should be A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm).
- The title should be ideally in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, 72 pt. font. Author, Thesis Advisor(s) and affiliation should be in 42 pt. font
- Use colour for highlighting and to make your poster attractive.
- Use pictures, diagrams, figures, etc., rather than only text wherever possible.
- Minimum font size for all text: 24 pt.
- Sections to be included:
- Motivation of the work
- Thesis Objectives
- Research Plan
- Results & Discussions (if available yet)
- Next Year Planning
- References
At the beginning of each Poster session, the students will have the opportunity to show 1 (ONE) slide in landscape orientation MAXIMUM to focus attention on the topic of their poster. Please note that this slide is not meant to cover the whole research, BUT ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE MAJOR GOALS OF THE THESIS WORK.
This slide (in a pdf file) must be uploaded to the Moovi server.
Evaluation procedure with rubric:
Date |
Agent |
Task |
June 5, Monday |
Students |
Uploading the poster describing the research plan to Moovi |
June 5, Monday |
Supervisors |
Upload evaluation (rubric) to Moovi |
June 5, Monday |
Students |
Notice of no attendance to the poster session |
June 12, Monday |
Students attending the poster session |
Upload of the slide |
June 16, Friday |
All |
Poster session |
June 26, Monday |
Committees |
Delivery of evaluation (rubrics) |