Monitoring PhD Student Progress
PhD Programme on Information and Communications Technology (Doc_TIC)
University of Vigo
Date: July 17, 2020
Place: Salón de actos & atlanTTic corridor – EE de Telecomunicación
Procedure of evaluation
July 17, 2020 (Friday)
9:15-9:30 |
Get your badge Place: Salón de actos |
9:30-9:45 |
Openning Prof. Manuel García Sánchez, Head of the DocTIC programme Invited talk: Procedures to be carried out in the doctorate by Dr. Marcos Arias Acuña, Quality Manager of the International Doctorate School Place: Salón de actos |
9:45-11:15 |
Poster session 1 with spotlights Chairperson: Place:
11:15-12:15 |
Lecture by Dr. Luis Magalhães and Dr. Miguel Guevara. University of Minho Chairperson: Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez Place: Salón de actos |
12:15 -13:45 |
Poster session 2 with spotlights Chairperson: Place:
Invited Speakers
Dr. Luís Gonzaga Magalhães and Dr. Miguel Angel Guevara Lopez
Lecture topic | Augmented vision for industry 4.0 |
Lecture summary |
The industry 4.0 (I4.0) is an innovative paradigm aimed to the fusion of digital and physical world through the advent of technologies, an amalgamation of physical and digital systems that has proven to be revolutionary, and enabling the communication between the physical objects and cyber infrastructures. Condition monitoring is a challenging Industry 4.0 field that features the interfaces needed for smooth information exchange between the plant control system, smart sensoring tasks, process visualization unit and operator. In this sense, the proper combination of emergent techniques, such as, computer vision, augmented and mixed reality, and artificial intelligence are playing a key role in human-machine integration/collaboration tasks, to make Industry 4.0 possible and the concept of “smart factory” each day more a reality. We aim to present novel applications and trends of emergent techniques for creating augmented and intelligent vision systems for industry 4.0, providing relevant and contextualized information to the human operator. |
Short Bio |
Luís Gonzaga Magalhães has a BSc and MSc in Informatics from the University of Minho and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor with Habilitation at University of Minho. He is also a Senior Researcher at ALGORITMI Centre. Since 2016 he is the Scientific Coordinator of the Computer Vision, Interaction and Graphics unit at Computer Graphics Centre. He is author or co-author of more than 90 scientific publications on international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests include the use of Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Computer Graphics. He is, or was, the Scientific Coordinator or a research member in projects related to Expeditious Modeling of Virtual Environments, Immersive 3D Environments, Virtual Environments for Education, High Dynamic Range Imaging and Mixed Reality systems for cultural and entertainment industries.
Miguel Angel Guevara Lopez graduated in Mathematics from Institute of Higher Education Jose Marti, University of Camaguey, Cuba in 1987 and completed a PhD degree in Technical Sciences (with specialty in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence) at Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics, Havana, Cuba in 1997. Presently, from September 1, 2015, Director of the Department of Computer Vision, Interaction and Graphics at the Computer Graphics Center, University of Minho, Portugal. During a 32-years period (April/1988–May/2020) working as researcher in the field of computer science, he got a deep expertise in areas such as digital image processing, pattern recognition, machine (deep) learning, data mining, computer vision and artificial intelligence. He published 91 scientific papers: 35 in peer review journals, 2 books, 14 book chapters and 40 papers in cutting-edge conference proceedings. He participated as a principal investigator/researcher in more than 35 national and international scientific projects. In the context of the projects he headed, he was in charge of selecting and supervising teams of collaborators and he has been very active in promoting national and international academic and industrial links. He completed the supervision of 2 Postdoctoral students, 3 PhD students and 11 Master of Science students. Active member in scientific associations, such as: ESR - European Society of Radiology, ESHIMT - European Society for Hybrid, Molecular and Translational Imaging, RSNA – Radiology Society of North America, and Steering board member of – the Artificial Intelligent network for graphics, media and vision technologies. |
Session 1
Name |
Committee |
Candal Ventureira David | 3 |
Elgeddawy Yasser Hosny Hussein | 4 |
Expósito Pérez Isabel | 4 |
Lomba Malta, Silvestre | 3 |
Melo Figueiredo Nuno | 4 |
Otero Gonzalez Ivan | 4 |
Ramírez Parracho Tomás | 3 |
Sánchez Rama, Brais | 4 |
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Session 2
Name |
Committee |
Campbell Hernández, Edward Lázaro | 3 |
Delgado Von Eitzen, Jaime Christian | 4 |
Lestayo Martínez Tomás | 3 |
Liz Domínguez Martín | 3 |
López Valcárcel, Luis Antonio | 4 |
Pacheco Lorenzo, Moises | 4 |
Regueiro Janeiro, José Ángel | 4 |
Vázquez Enríquez, Manuel | 3 |
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List of students unable to attend
An on-line session will be arranged with the committee to proceed with the evaluation
Name |
Committee |
Adat Vasudevan, Vipindev | 1 |
Adel Amr | 4 |
Akhtar, Tafseer | 1 |
Alaa El-Deen Ahmed Rana | 1 |
Barba Seara Óscar | 1 |
España Villegas, Carmelo Branimir | 3 |
Ferreira Pires Orlando | 1 |
Forde Eoin, Peter | 1 |
Garcia Davalos, Alexander | 3 |
Halawa Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Nor | 3 |
Hussian, Khawar | 3 |
Maged Moustafa Kamel MennaAllah | 1 |
Massella, Damiano | 1 |
Mohamed Hafez Manar | 3 |
Oliveira Rodrigues, José Augusto | 1 |
Pinto da Silva Ulisses Joao | 4 |
Quisi Peralta, Diego | 1 |
Rodríguez González, Francisco Javier | 1 |
Santana Mancilla Pedro César | 4 |
Serpa Andrade Luis | 4 |
Soto Rodríguez, Eduardo Antonio | 3 |
Troncoso Costas, Marcos | 1 |
Volpini, Andrea | 1 |
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Procedure for the Evaluation of the RESEARCH PLAN or ANNUAL DEFENCE
PhD Program on Information and Communications Technology of the University of Vigo
Academic year 2019-2020
Approved by the Academic Committee (CAPD)
General Considerations:
- This activity is compulsory for all the students enrolled in the academic year.
- The working language is English.
- A rubric for evaluation is approved by the Academic Committee of the PhD program (CAPD). This rubric will be used for all students. Nevertheless, evaluation committees will take into consideration the actual dedication of the students: Full- time students, Part-time students, etc. This rubric is in Annex 1.
- This rubric will be completed by the Evaluation Committee, and by the advisor(s) of the thesis. In case of more than one advisor, all advisors must agree on a single rubric.
- The Evaluation Committee will propose a Score to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program. CAPD will be in charge of delivering the final score.
- Each student will be assigned to one of the evaluation committees. This assignment is made by the CAPD.
- There will be four Evaluation Committees:
Committee no 1
- María Soledad Torres
- Rebeca Díaz Redondo
- Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Committee no 3
- Eduardo Rodríguez Banga
- Pedro S. Rodríguez Hernández
- Inés García-Tuñón Blanca
Committee no 4
- Antonio Pena Giménez
- Manuel Fernández Veiga
- Martín López Nores
Evaluation procedure and calendar:
- All students must prepare a poster. The pdf file of the poster must be uploaded to the faitic server by 14:00 (CET) of July 6, 2020, Monday. DocTIC will be in charge of the printing of the poster for those students who will attend the session.
- Those students unable to attend the workshop will contact the DocTIC coordinator ( by July 6, 2020, Monday, explaining the reason for his/her absence. Upon acceptance, one member of the corresponding evaluation committee will contact the student in order to set up an appointment by Skype. The students will receive the instructions about how the evaluation will be conducted. These students do not have to send the slide.
- The advisors must upload one rubric by July 6, 2020, Monday, to the faitic server.
- Students attending the evaluation day must send one slide of the poster presentation (just 1 page in landscape orientation) by 14:00 (CET) of July 13, 2020, Monday.
- The evaluation by the committees will take place during the poster sessions of the workshop (July 17, 2020, Friday).
- The evaluation committees will deliver the score by July 27, 2020, Monday. Those students who fail will be granted with a two-week period to correct the observed deficiencies.
Instructions for the preparation of the material
- Poster orientation should be portrait (vertical).
- Poster size should be A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm).
- The title should be ideally in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, 72 pt. font. Author, Thesis Advisor(s) and affiliation should be in 42 pt. font
- Use colour for highlighting and to make your poster attractive.
- Use pictures, diagrams, figures, etc., rather than only text wherever possible.
- Minimum font size for all text: 24 pt.
- Sections to be included:
- Motivation of the work
- Thesis Objectives
- Research Plan
- Results & Discussions (if available yet)
- Next Year Planning
- References
At the beginning of each Poster session, the students will have the opportunity to show 1 (ONE) slide in landscape orientation MAXIMUM to focus attention on the topic of their poster. Please note that this slide is not meant to cover the whole research, BUT ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE MAJOR GOALS OF THE THESIS WORK.
This slide (in a pdf file) must be uploaded to the faitic server.
Date |
Agent |
Task |
July 6, Monday |
Students |
Uploading the poster describing the research plan to faitic |
July 6, Monday |
Supervisors |
Upload evaluation (rubric) to faitic |
July 6, Monday |
Students |
Notice of no attendance to the poster session |
July 13, Monday |
Students attending the poster session |
Upload of the slide |
July 17, Friday |
All |
Poster session |
July 27, Monday |
Committees |
Delivery of evaluation (rubrics) |