Workshop: Ethics in research

Target audience: PhD students from EIDO doctoral programs

Goal: The aim of this workshop is to present, discuss and solve different ethical dilemmas researchers may find in their daily work.

Format: Face-to-face (although some places may be reserved for online attendance through Campus Remoto).

Place:  EE Telecomunicación

Calendar and timetable: September 17-18, 2024


  • Yannis Dimitriadis, Full Professor of Telematics Engineering, ex-Dean of the Doctoral School of Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. He served as professor of Research Methodology in the doctoral program of ICT for more than 20 years and carried out international workshops and research on doctoral education. He has led more than 50 competitive R&D projects and co-authored more than 115 journal and 230 conference papers.

Language: English


Session 1 (Face-to-face and synchronous): 2.5 h - September 17, 2024 - 15:00-17:30

  • Instructors introduce the workshop, its contents, participants and mechanics.
  • Participants work in 5 steps on a case focused on ethical dilemmas in research with the support of the EthicApp, a software application developed by the University of Chile.
  • Participants contribute and eventually justify and review their decision regarding the ethical dilemma, individually and collaboratively. Subsequently, they provide their decision assuming the role of the ethics committee, after having been exposed to a short extract of a code of conduct.
  • Participants discuss with the instructors the case and the associated ethical dilemma in the research and draw conclusions and lessons learned, in relation to their own experience.
  • The instructors present the contents of the next sessions of the workshop.

Session 2 (Virtual and asynchronous): 2h - To be held September 17-18, 2024

  • Participants reflect on various ethical dilemmas, similar to those seen in session 1, and respond by means of a form preferably by 12:00 noon on September 18.
  • Participants consult the International Code of Conduct for Research Ethics ALLEA, which also governs all doctoral studies.

Session 3 (Face-to-face and synchronous): 2.5 - 18 September 2024 - 15:00 -17:30

  • Both instructors and participants review and discuss the ethical dilemmas analyzed in the asynchronous session.
  • Instructors present and critically discuss ethical principles in research based on codes of conduct at the international level, such as ALLEA, or at the state or university level, with special attention to fraud and plagiarism.
  • Instructors provide an overview of research ethics, especially in relation to doctoral studies, and give practical recommendations to doctoral students.


Access: Attendants should register in Moovi online platform by September 10.

DocTIC would provide a participation diploma to those attendants who effectively participate in the workshop.