My road to signal processing makes me moving from physics to electronics, control and finally to signal processing I discovered while visiting the MIT in 1976,
Late in the 70’s I had the chance to share the launching of this discipline with colleagues and friends, i.e. Professors Annibal Figuerais Vidal, Miguel Angel Lagunas and José Manuel Tribolet, via a Spanish/Portuguese/Morrocan Consortia who organizes the first Workshop in Vigo dedicated to Signal Processing. This pushed up certainly the idea of setting up a School of Telecommunication and a University in Vigo and the INESC in Portugal. Later others Workshops toke place in Marrakech, Porto, Barcelona. This Consortia was set up before the EURASIP (European Association of Signal and Image Processing)!!!
So Vigo is an important step in my 50 years career !
I will first briefly describe my road and, in parallel, provide you with some input about the development and souvenirs with exceptional scholars I had the chance to meet all over the word, during my career…
I also describe how I moved to Image processing and then needed to closely collaborate with pure mathematicians to face some bottle neck problems in giving various examples.
2-Pioneering work in the 40’s: mathematical roots: & Implementation tools
3-Historical items about Signal Processing (SP) in the World
4-My own path in SP: From Rabat to Bordeaux via Berkeley
5-Role of seismic and speech signals & my contribution
6-Coincidence about the Wavelets
7-El Loro Palancin : spanish Speak and Spell § the first DSP from Texas Instruments (TI)
8- A partnership with TI and DEC (Digital Equipment)
9-From Speech to the lattice filters & extension of some Stanford School results
10 Bottleneck issues in M-D Signals and the mathematical assistance.
11-Concluding remarks
12-What I am proud about it?
Mohamed Najim born in Morroco 1945 has received his Doctorat d’Etat in Toulouse (1972). He spent 16 years in the Rabat University where he set up a laboratory rooted in the morrocan economy. He created the ENSIAS the first engineering school in computer science in Africa. In 1988 he held the first chair in Signal and Image Processing created in Bordeaux and established partnership with Total, SAFRAN, Thales, CEA… and leaded consortia within the European Framework Programs. He authored 8 books and more than 200 papers. His previous Ph D students are enrolled in more than 10 countries. He lectured in all the continents.
Since 1988 he is an IEEE Fellow member and currently a Live Fellow member. He got the A. Shuman Prize Award in 1982, the TWAS Academy engineering prize, 2011, and the highest Award of the EURASIP Society (EURopean Association of Signal and Image Processing in 2013. Since 2000 he was decorated the highest distinction of the Kingdom of Morroco. He received the French distinction Palmes Académiques in 2016. He is currently an emeritus Professor.