Still today, the way scientific knowledge is produced, applied and translated to the society is not free from the global and structural system that produces gender inequalities based on organising men and women in hierarchical different roles. Gender-blind and gender-biased research methods produce poor science and miss opportunities, often based in gender stereotypes and the use of male/men as default generic model for all human beings. To tackle this problem, efforts are being made to raise awareness on gender biases and to show other ways of producing more inclusive science, responsive to the needs of everybody, by means of Integrating the Gender Analysis into Research (IGAR).
Soledad Torres Guijarro: Telecommunications Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM, 1992) and PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (UPM, 1996), specialised in Digital Signal Processing. She actually enjoys a teaching position at the Universidad de Vigo. Previously, she held teaching positions at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Valladolid and Universidad Europea de Madrid, and research positions at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Laboratorio Oficial de Metroloxía de Galicia.
Her research interests include Digital Signal Processing in audio and acoustics, microphone arrays, audio coding, multichannel audio and underwater acoustics. She is also interested in promoting STEM vocations among girls, and on IGAR. At present she is the link person between the Telecomunications Engineering School and the Equality Office of UVigo.