Lessons learnt from a FP7 project

Luis Anido Rifón
Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 23:59

The speaker will present the final results of the iTEC project from the perspective of his participation in this project. The presentation of the technical outcomes will be complemented with a set of considerations from the view of the researchers working in this kind of projects, in particular those pursuing their PhD.



Dr. Luis Anido-Rifon has a Telecommunication Engineering degree with honors (1997) in the Telematics and Communication branches and a Telecommunication Engineering PhD with honors (2001) by the University of Vigo. Currently, he is Full Professor in the Telematics Engineering Department of the University of Vigo. He has received several awards by the W3C, the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Official Spanish Telecommunication Association. He has authored more than 180 papers in journals and conferences. He is also the technical secretariat of the CTN71 SC36 group of the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) and head of the Spanish delegation to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36.