In this talk, I will describe an exploratory analysis of the online activity in the official Learning Management System of a blended subject of the University of Vigo. In base of this analysis we have obtained that there is a correlation between the interaction of the students in the LMS and their final mark. Besides, we have obtained temporal behavior patterns for successful and unsuccessful students. Using this behavior patterns, we propose a system that trigger alarms for both students and professors to detect students that are in risk of failing the subject.
Celia received the Telecommunications Engineer degree from the University of Vigo in 2012 and the Master in Telematics Engineering from the same university in 2013. She worked as a R&D engineer at Gradiant, where she developed some projects related with media distribution protocols, web interfaces and mobile applications. In 2014 she joined to I&C Lab of the AtlanTIC research center. Currently, she is studying her PHD in Information and Communications Technology. Her main research interests are focused on data analytics, mainly in the field of learning analytics.