The field of genomic research has considerably grown in the recent years due to the unprecedented advances brought about by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and the need and increasing widespread use of outsourced processing. But this rapid increase also poses severe privacy risks due to the inherently sensitive nature of genomic information. In this work, we address privacy-preserving genetic susceptibility tests outsourced to an untrustworthy party, enhancing previous approaches in terms of computation and communication efficiency by leveraging the use of somewhat homomorphic lattice encryption and relinearization operations to achieve more efficient constructions. Additionally, we also propose a more general construction which deals with several different medical units (such as pharmaceutical companies or hospitals), managing patients' consent to the disclosure of test results for each of these units, which may dynamically join the system. Our scheme features an attribute-based homomorphic cryptosystem which enables enforcing the patient's access policy referred to the diffrent medical units.
I have graduated in applied mathematics from Azad University of Tabriz/Iran and completed my Master’s degree in cryptography at Institute of applied mathematics of Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara/Turkey. My Master’s thesis in “A Survey on All Known Solutions of Generalized Birthday Paradox (K-Lists problem)” has been done with supervision of Prof. Ferruh Özbudak, related to public key cryptography. I have continued my research as a research assistant at crypto group of Koç University in Istanbul/Turkey in anonymous credentials, and currently, I am a PhD student at information and communication technology department of University of Vigo, working on "Secure Signal Processing for Genomic Privacy Protection". Privacy protecting areas related to pairing maps, zero-knowledge proofs, Groth-Sahai proof systems and different types of credential such as anonymous e-cash became my interested area along with lattice based cryptography and genomic privacy.