Context adaptation

Fátima Castro Jul
Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 23:59

From the ever-present smartphone to the new wearables, mobile devices are everywhere and taking more and more part in our lives. However, the way users want to employ, or are required to employ, their devices changes in different situations. For instance, it is not appropriate to receive calls in a meeting or it may be disturbing to receive social network updates when performing a task that requires concentration. As a result, context adaptation techniques need to be developed so that devices behave according to users' circumstances. Most previous studies and proposals are focused on everyday places and activities while adaptation to situations different from usual routine remains an open issue. In this talk, I will review some existing context managing strategies that may be a solution in those situations.



Fátima Castro Jul received the Telecommunications Engineer degree from the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2014. She finished her studies abroad with an Erasmus scholarship in the University of Oulu (Finland), where she completed her Master Thesis at the Secure Programming Group. Currently, she works as a researcher at the AtlantTIC research center in the University of Vigo, where she is enrolled in the PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies. Her research interests include Ambient Intelligence, Context Awareness, Ubiquitous Computing and Networks.