Workshop on Monitoring PhD Student Progress 

PhD Programme on Information and Communications Technology (Doc_TIC)

University of Vigo

Date: June 22-23, 2017

Place: “Salón de Grados” – EE de Telecomunicación


Procedure of evaluation





Thursday, June, 22, 2017


Opening: Prof. Iñigo Cuiñas, Head of the Telecommunication School

Prof. Carmen Garcia-Mateo, Coordinator of Doc_TIC PhD Programme


Poster Session 1 with spotlights

Chairperson: Carmen García Mateo



Lecture by Invited Speaker

"Attenuation in vegetation at frequencies above 1 GHz"

Prof. Rafael Caldeirinha

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, School of Technology and Management, Portugal. 

Chairperson: Prof. Iñigo Cuiñas 

12:15 -13:45

Poster Session 2 with spotlights

Chairperson: Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo



Friday, June, 23, 2017


Poster Session 3 with spotlights

Chairperson: Carlos Mosquera Nartallo



Lecture by Invited Speaker

"From Sentiment Analysis to Recommender Systems"

Prof. Patrice BELLOT

University of Aix-Marseille - CNRS (France)

Chairperson: Dr. Milagros Fernández Gavilanes

12:00 -13:30

Poster Session 4 with spotlights

Chairperson: Juan C. Burguillo Rial


13:30 – 13:40




List of students unable to attend

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Invited Speakers 

Prof. Rafael F. S. Caldeirinha

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, School of Technology and Management, Portugal. 

Lecture Topic

"Attenuation in vegetation at frequencies above 1 GHz"

 Lecture Abstract

This lecture aims to give an overview on current research approaches and propagation models for attenuation in vegetation, developed within the research group on “Antennas and Propagation –Lr” of the Instituto de Telecomunicações in Portugal, along with some results and comparisons with experimental data gathered at varies frequencies, as a result of the group’s strong track record on analytical and experimental studies directed at the characterisation and modelling of vegetation media effects on propagation and radio system design, including dynamic effects. Projects by this group have contributed prediction models and measured data to the ITU-R, i.e. ITUR-P833.5, and other forums, with many publications in the open technical literature. 


Rafael F. S. Caldeirinha (Fellow IET and Senior Member IEEE) was born in Leiria, Portugal, in 1974. He received the BEng (Hons) degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering from the University of Glamorgan, UK, in 1997. In 2001, he was awarded a Ph.D in Radiowave Propagation by the same University for his research work in vegetation studies at frequencies from 1 to 62.4 GHz. He is currently Head of the Antennas & Propagation (A&P-Lr) research group at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Leiria, Portugal, and Coordinator Professor in Mobile Communications at the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria), Portugal.

His research interests include studies of radiowave propagation through vegetation media, radio channel sounding and modeling and frequency selective surfaces, for applications at microwave and millimeter wave frequencies.

Prof. Caldeirinha has authored or co-authored more than 100 papers in conferences and international journals and 4 contributions to ITU-R Study Group, which formed the basis of the ITU-R P.833-5 (2005) recommendation. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation journal; Associate Editor of the IET on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation journal; Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Communication Systems, IJCS (New York, Wiley); Program chair of WINSYS International Conference between 2006 and 2012; Appointed Officer for Awards and Recognitions of the IEEE Portugal section in 2014; Chair of the IEEE Portugal Joint Chapter on Antennas & Propagation - Electron Devices - Microwave Theory & Techniques since 2016; Regional Delegate of European Association for Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) for Andorra, Portugal and Spain since March, 2017; and a Senior Member of IEEE and Fellow Member of IET.

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Prof. Patrice BELLOT

University of Aix-Marseille - CNRS (France)

Lecture Topic

"From Sentiment Analysis to Recommender Systems"

 Lecture Abstract

Recommender systems are widely used in order to recommend items (books, movies and so on...) according to the purchase history of the users. Beyond this so-called collaborative recommendation, several text-mining approaches deal with the content of the items (for e.g. the text that books contain) or with the reader comments about the items. The aim is to be able to determine the global opinion of the buyers as well as their sentiment about the aspects of the items (the sensor or the weight of a camera, the quality of the illustrations of a book...). During this presentation,  I will focus on Social Book Search a.k.a. book recommendation and I will illustrate it on the Amazon data collection composed of 2.8 million book descriptions. Such systems combine Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning approaches.


Patrice Bellot is Full Professor in Computer Science at the University of Aix-Marseille (France), in the domains of information retrieval and natural language processing. He defended his PhD in 2000 and his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in 2008 about information retrieval, question-answering systems and personalized systems taking into account language disabilities. Lecturer at the University of Avignon between 2000 and 2011, he has since joined Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and the CS Lab LSIS as Full Professor. At LSIS, Patrice Bellot has been the head since its creation in 2013 of the DIMAG team "Data, Information & content Management Group".

He received two Google Research Awards in digital humanities in 2011 and 2012 for research on text mining for digital librairies. His current research focuses mainly on text mining and sentiment analysis.


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Session 1 : June 22, 9:45-11:15

Name Research Line Advisor(s) Committee Access Year
Cordeiro Leonor, Nuno Ricardo Propagación de ondas radioeléctricas en contornas vexetais Manuel García Sánchez
Rafael da Silva Caldeirinha
1 2013-2014
Mhiri , Saber Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos  Fco. J. Glez. Castaño 1 2014-2015
Álvarez López, Tamara Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos E. Costa Montenegro
Milagros Fdez. Gavilanes
1 2015-2016
Costa Pazo, Artur Procesado do sinal José Luis Alba Castro
Esteban Vázquez Fernández
1 2016-2017 - 1C
Pedrouzo Ulloa, Alberto Procesado do sinal Fernando Pérez Glez.
Juan R. Troncoso Pastoriza
2 2014-2015
Soares Pinto, Helder Rodrigo Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín Llamas Nistal 2 2015-2016
Klaina , Hicham Comunicación Radio Ana Vázquez Alejos
Otman Afhzout
2 2016-2017 - 2C
Castro Jul, Fátima Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Ana Fernández Vilas Rebeca P.Díaz Redondo 3 2014-2015
España Villegas, Carmelo Branimir Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Caeiro Rodríguez, Manuel 3 2015-2016
Lomba Malta, Silvestre Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Manuel Fernández Veiga 3 2016-2017 - 1C
Silva Leal, Fátima Manuela da Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Juan C. Burguillo Rial
 Mª Benedita Campos Neves Malheiro
4 2013-2014
Namaziesfanjani , Mina Procesado do sinal Fernando Pérez Glez. 4 2015-2016


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Session 2: June 22, 12:15 -13:45

Name Research Line Advisor(s) Committee Access Year
Ordóñez Morales, Esteban Fernando Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Yolanda Blanco Fdez.
Martín López Nores
1 2013-2014
Meira Ferrao Luis, Ricardo Manuel Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos  Martín Llamas Nistal
Manuel Fdez. Iglesias
1 2014-2015
Fernández Domingos, Elías Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Burguillo Rial, Juan Carlos 1 2015-2016
Arriba Pérez, Francisco de Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Manuel Caeiro Rguez.
J. M. Santos Gago
2 2014-2015
Pérez Cabo, Daniel Procesado do sinal  Fernando Pérez Glez.
Daniel Glez. Jiménez
2 2015-2016
García Rois, Juan Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Javier González Castaño
Beatriz Lorenzo Veiga
3 2014-2015
Saiáns Vázquez, José Víctor  Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos  Martín López Nores
Yolanda Blanco Fdez.
3 2014-2015
RamosMuguerza, Eduardo Procesado do sinal José L. Alba Castro
Laura Docío Fernández
(CAPD 22/03/2017)
3 2016-2017 - 2C
Oya Díez, Simón Procesado do sinal Fernando Pérez Glez. 4 2014-2015
Sánchez López, Sheila Lucero Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo
Ana Fdez. Vilas
4 2015-2016
Gomez Villaverde, Marcos Jose Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos José C. López Ardao
Raúl Rodríguez Rubio
4 2016-2017 - 1C


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Session 3 : June 23, 9:30-11:00

Name Research Line Advisor(s) Committee Access Year
El Haj Ahmed , Ghofrane Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Felipe Gil Castiñeira
Enrique Costa
1 2014-2015
Parada Loira, Francisco Procesado do sinal José Luis Alba Castro 1 2015-2016
Román Portabales, Antón Redes de datos
Arquitectura e serviz. telemáticos 
Martín López Nores 2 2015-2016
Fernández Nandín, Abel Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Felipe Gil Castiñeira
2 2016-2017 - 1C
Abdullah Rady, Ewies Daif Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín López Nores
2 2016-2017 - 2C
Moure Fernández, María del Rocío Electrónica de comunicacións Mónica Fdez. Barciela
Paul Tasker 
3 2014-2015
Boric Miran Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Ana Fdez. Vilas
Rebeca Díaz Redondo
3 2015-2016
González Figueroa, Damián Procesado do sinal Roberto López Valcarce 4 2013-2014
Ramos Merino, Mateo Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Luis M. Álvarez Sabucedo
Juan M. Santos Gago 
4 2014-2015
Álvarez Outerelo, David Comunicación Radio Ana Vázquez Alejos
Díaz Otero, Fco. Javier
4 2016-2017 - 1C
Romualdo Carvalho, António Aristides Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Manuel Fdez. Veiga 4 2016-2017 - 1C


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Session 4 : June 23, 12:00 -13:30

Name Research Line Advisor(s) Committee Access Year
Cerezo Costas, Hector Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Javier González Castaño 1 2013-2014
Mouriño García, Marcos Antonio Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Luis Anido Rifón 1 2014-2015
Santos Domínguez, David Procesado do sinal Soledad Torres Guijarro 2 2015-2016
García Méndez, Silvia Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos E. Costa Montenegro
Milagros Fernández Gavilanes
2 2016-2017 - 1C
Rodríguez Fernández, Javier Procesado do sinal Nuria Glez. Prelcic 2 2016-2017 - 1C
Valladares Rodríguez, Sonia María Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Luis Anido Rifón
Manuel J. Fdez. Iglesias
3 2013-2014
Pérez Cabo, David Procesado do sinal Manuel Sobreira Seoane
Hans Elias de Bree
3 2014-2015
García Novo, Fernando Procesado do sinal Carmen García Mateo 3 2015-2016
Nocelo López, Rubén Teledetección por microondas Verónica Santalla del Río 4 2013-2014
Expósito Pérez, Isabel Comunicación Radio Manuel García Sánchez
Iñigo Cuiñas Gómez
4 2015-2016
Tato Arias, Anxo Comunicacións dixitais Carlos Mosquera Nartallo 4 2015-2016

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List of students unable to attend (Interview by Skpe)

Name Research Line Advisor(s) Committee Access Year Session
Bravo Quezada, Omar Gustavo Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín López Nores
Yolanda Blanco Fernández
1 2014-2015 Skype
Domínguez Martínez, María Jesús  Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Manuel Fernández Iglesias
Luis M. Álvarez Sabucedo
1 2015-2016 Skype
Espozo Espinoza, Juan Eloy Arquitectura e servicios telemáticos Manuel Fernández Veiga  1 2015-2016 Skype
Santana Mancilla, Pedro César Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Luis Anido Rifón 1 2015-2016 Skype
Goyanes de Miguel, Vicente Procesado do sinal Domingo Docampo Amoedo 1 2016-2017 - 1C Skype
Guerrero Vasquez, Luis Fernando Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín López Nores
Jack Fernando Bravo Torres
1 2016-2017 - 1C Skype
Mera Iglesias, Moisés Procesado do sinal José Luis Alba Castro
López Medina, Antonio
2 2013-2014 Skype
Egas Acosta, Carlos Redes de datos Felipe Gil Castiñeira
Enrique Costa
2 2014-2015 Skype
Hmila , Mariem Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos  Manuel Fdez. Veiga 2 2014-2015 Skype
Dahroug , Ahmed Tarek Abdelfattah Mohamed Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín López Nores
José  Juan Pazos Arias
2 2016-2017 - 1C Skype
Maradiaga Chirinos, Jorge Raul Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Rebeca Díaz Redondo
Ana Fernández Vilas
2 2016-2017 - 1C Skype
Maged Moustafa Kamel, MennaAllah Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Alberto Gil Solla
Manuel Ramos Cabrer
2 2016-2017 - 2C Skype
Rodríguez González, Francisco Javier Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Cristina López Bravo
Enrique Costa Montenegro
3 2014-2015 Skype
Cabrera Mejía, Javier Bernardo Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Manuel Fernández Veiga 3 2015-2016 Skype
Castro Lopes Martins Pinto Ferreira, Maria Isabel de Procesado do sinal José Luis Alba Castro
Corte Real, Luis 
3 2015-2016 Skype
Casierra Cavada, Juan Luis Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos José J. Pazos Arias
Alberto Gil Solla
3 2016-2017 - 1C Skype
Garcia Davalos, Alexander Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Jorge García Duque 3 2016-2017 - 2C Skype
Halawa , Mohamed Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Rebeca Díaz Redondo
Ana Fernández Vilas
3 2016-2017 - 2C Skype
Fernandes Caiña, Miguel Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos  Rebeca Díaz Redondo
Ana Fernández Vilas
4 2013-2014 Skype
Magariños Iglesias, María del Carmen Procesado do sinal Eduardo Rguez. Banga
Daniel Erro Eslava
4 2013-2014 Skype
García Vélez, Roberto Agustín Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Martín López Nores
José Juan Pazos Arias
4 2014-2015 Skype
Severiche Maury, Zurisaddai de la Cruz Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Ana Fdez. Vilas
Rebeca Díaz Redondo
4 2015-2016 Skype
Teles Vagarinho, João Paulo Comunicacións dixitais Martín Llamas Nistal 4 2015-2016 Skype
Freire Bastidas, Diego Mauricio Arquitectura e servizos telemáticos Ana Fernández Vilas
Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo 
4 2016-2017 - 2C Skype

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Procedure for the Evaluation of the RESEARCH PLAN or ANNUAL DEFENCE

PhD Program on Information and Communications Technology of the University of Vigo

Academic year 2016-2017

Approved by the Academic Committee (CAPD)

General Considerations:

  1. This activity is compulsory for all the students enrolled in the academic year 2015-2016.
  2. The working language is English.
  3. A rubric for evaluation is approved by the Academic Committee of the PhD program (CAPD). This rubric will be used for all students. Nevertheless, evaluation committees will take into consideration the actual dedication of the students: Full- time students, Part-time students, etc. This rubric is in Annex 1.
  4. This rubric will be completed by the Evaluation Committee, and by the advisor(s) of the thesis. In case of more than one advisor, all advisors must agree on a single rubric.
  5. The Evaluation Committee will propose a Score to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program. CAPD will be in charge of delivering the final score.
  6. There will be four  Evaluation Committees:

Committee no 1

  • Antonio Pena Giménez
  • Rebeca Díaz Redondo
  • Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez

Committee no 2

  • Edita de Lorenzo Rodríguez
  • Carlos Mosquera Nartallo
  • Juan Carlos Burguillo Rial

Committe no3

  • Pedro S. Rodríguez Hernández
  • Inés García-Tuñón Blanca
  • Manuel Ramos Cabrer

Committe no4

  • Cristina López Bravo
  • María Soledad Torres
  • Manuel Fernández Veiga


7. Each student will be assigned to one of the evaluation committees. This assignment is made by the CAPD.

This year there will be two preparatory sessions in April and May respectively. 

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Evaluation procedure and calendar:

  1. All students must prepare a poster. The pdf file of the poster must be uploaded to the faitic server by 14:00 (CET) of Moday, June 5, 2017. DocTIC will be in charge of the printing of the poster for those students who will attend the session.
  2. Those students unable to attend the workshop will contact the DocTIC coordinator ( by Friday, May 5, 2017 explaining the reason for his/her absence. Upon acceptance, one member of the corresponding evaluation committee will contact the student in order to set up an appointment by Skype. The students will receive the instructions about how the evaluation will be conducted. These students do not have to send the slide.
  3. The advisors must upload one rubric by Moday, June 5, 2017 to the faitic server.
  4. Students attending the evaluation day must send one slide of the poster presentation (just 1 page in landscape orientation) by 14:00 (CET) of Thursday, June 15, 2017
  5. The evaluation by the committees will take place during the poster sessions of the workshop (Thursday, June 22 and Friday, June 23).
  6. The evaluation committees will deliver the score by Friday, June 30, 2017. Those students who fail will be granted with a two-week period to correct the observed deficiencies. Final scores will be delivered to the CAPD by Monday July 17, 2017.
  7. There will be 1 Best Poster Award that will be selected based on student voting.


Instructions for the preparation of the material


  • Poster orientation should be portrait (vertical).
  • Poster size should be A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm).
  • The title should be ideally in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, 72 pt. font. Author, Thesis Advisor(s) and affiliation  should be in 42 pt. font
  • Use colour for highlighting and to make your poster attractive.
  • Use pictures, diagrams, figures, etc., rather than only text wherever possible.
  • Minimum font size for all text: 24 pt.
  • Sections to be included:
    • Motivation of the work
    • Thesis Objectives
    • Research Plan
    • Results & Discussions (if available yet)
    • Next Year Planning
    • References



At the beginning of each Poster session, the students will have the opportunity to show 1 (ONE) slide in landscape orientation MAXIMUM to focus attention on the topic of their poster.  Please note that this slide is not meant to cover the whole research, BUT ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE MAJOR GOALS OF THE THESIS WORK.

This slide (in a pdf file) must be uploaded to the faitic server.



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