In this talk I will talk about how to apply for writer verification some state-of-art techniques currently used in the field of speaker and language verification. GMM-UBM and i-vector modelling and scoring approaches are explored. Regarding feature extraction, SIFT and SURF keypoint descriptors are used and compared. Results are presented using IAM handwriting database.
Prof. Carmen Garcia Mateo is the principal investigator of the Multimedia Technologies Group (GTM) at the AtlantTIC Research Centre of the University of Vigo (http://gtm.uvigo.es). She is Full Professor at the "Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, Universidade de Vigo". Her research interests are focused on speech technology: speech and speaker recognition, audio segmentation and multibiometrics. She has published over 100 international contributions, including book chapters, refereed journal and conference papers. She and her group have an extensive experience in the development of software for multimedia applications.